If only...
If only I had to the courage to say what I really wanted to say in those crucial moments...
If only folks I felt like I could help would solicit my advice on every subject...
If only I would follow my OWN advice... (I'm shaking my head at myself, trust me)
If only I could be a better writer and come up with clever quips every time for an undeniably entertaining blog...
Well, if I were that person, this is what I would do: I suck it up and start a blog to see if it helps any one of us out, casting all fear aside.
*sigh* Don't I feel better now?
Hi, I'm Holly, and I'm a woman of many hats. I am first, and foremost, a Child of God, 2nd a wife, 3rd a mother, 4th a maker of my home, 5th a maker of music, 6th a teacher of music, and 7th a would be friend to everyone I meet. Seriously. I am that person--but don't decide to hate me just yet!!! Although I love looking at life through my cheery, rose-colored glasses, I feel like I'm able to cast them aside, or at least put them on my bathroom counter for a bit, when necessary.
That being said, there are a few purposes to my blog: to give advice to myself, to offer suggestions for others through my own learning experiences, but to mostly hash out some of my thoughts through written word. It's a selfish sacrifice of sorts. I come on here, type up a few carefully crafted words on any given subject--could be thoughts, could be how my day went, how well, or poorly I handled a situation. I sacrifice by putting some moments from my life or notions that I hold dear (or are still forming) out there for others to chew on. I walk away feeling better about having taking the time congealed some thoughts, and perhaps someone walks away feeling better able to handle present or future circumstances. Maybe someone will have insight into the mind of someone with whom they don't necessarily agree.
So for starters, let's (me and the mouse in my pocket) discuss this whole rose-colored glasses gig. Life is what it is, right? You can't change certain aspects of your life. There is SO much of it out of our control, and yet I wonder how much of it is our own perception of life. Wondering aside, here's my bottom line: our decisions make us who we are and shape our lives, right? *Disclaimer: I don't know how much accountability folks have with mental illness, but I'm going to assume you're either okay on the chemical balance thing medicated or otherwise, if you're reading this, so I'm going to pretend you're accountable (to God, to yourself, to others around you, to any other supreme being or not).*
So this is how Holly would do things: I'd stop acting like life is unfair when things go wrong, and figure out a few things. A few things like, "What am I supposed to learn from this?", which is in my opinion a more helpful way of saying "WHY is this happening to me?"--not that I've never said that sobbing out cries of anguish toward the ceiling fan in my bedroom. I would figure out and perhaps even LIST the things I've been blessed with. I would try to put a positive spin on EVERYTHING--and I do mean EVERYTHING! Turn it into a game, if that's what it takes! Make yourself nauseated by your sunny outlook!!! {insert crazy, wild-eyed, serious face}Then laugh, if necessary.
This doesn't mean that Holly wouldn't feel totally bummed, sad, or down right depressed about hardships, but it DOES mean that she wouldn't sit there wallowing in it for too long (just five more minutes, Ma!), scrape herself together like she has managed to do in the past and figure out, with a level (perhaps well rested) head, how in the world to work things out. Sometimes she would grit her teeth and just do what needs to be done. She might not like it, but she'd do it.
This is what Holly would do. Yeah, something like that... I've just gotta say, that giving myself advice is SO ironic. So weird. I don't know how this is going to work out in the end, but I do have to say. Phew, I sure feel better now!!! Thanks, Holly!
*The unimplied disclaimer* I don't pretend to have all the answers, nor do I expect you to agree with me on life, spiritual/religious beliefs, parenting, or anything else I post on here. Please don't be offended by posts made on here, as they are not intended as such. I want people to feel comfortable posting comments on here of similar or differing opinions, but I want to keep it civil, and without vulgarities. I ask that you please respect that, even if this is a public blog.
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